Welcome and thank you for visiting our newly revamped IDEALS website!
Founded in 2001, the International Dental Ethics and Law Society (IDEALS) supports and advances an international multidisciplinary dialogue on the ethical and legal principles and values that guide daily practice activities. IDEALS has had some 120 members on and off but and strives to welcome more into our fold and to assist with their ethical professional needs. You can enter and engage with the website for more information on our history and to get more detailed information on our specific aims and objectives.
In 2018 we are looking ahead to our 12th Congress in Amsterdam on the 23-25th August. The Congress theme is “The Importance of Dental Ethics and Law.” A bumper three-day meeting is planned to provide an overview of current dental ethics and law. It will include a special day of continuing professional development with a focus on the clinical setting for colleagues to update their knowledge and to network.
As a member of IDEALS, whether a dentist, dental professional, forensic odonotologist, lawyer or ethicist, academic or student, an association or regulatory body or working in a related field, you will find in this IDEALS website a professional community that sustains, educates, and enriches you. Please peruse this website as it offers many resources (and more are under development) to assist you in your daily professional activities, to network with colleagues around the world and to learn.
I am honoured to lead this Society and to serve you – as we begin a new era. Please become a member if you are not already one and come join us!
Sudeshni Naidoo
IDEALS President, 2016-18