An overview of IDEALS Statutes
This overview is prepared as a quick reference and is not intended to replace or supplement the official Dutch version or the unofficial English translation. For accuracy, readers are advised to consult the original versions.
Legal Status
The International Dental Ethics and Law Society (IDEALS) is formed under Belgium law as a not-for-profit organization and it is subject to Belgium laws and regulations. Its official seat is in Belgium.
There are Individual members and Institutional members.
Individual membership is open to anyone who shares the interests of IDEALS and is approved by the Board. Members may cancel at any time and can be excluded by 2/3 vote at a General Assembly
The official version of the Statutes is available for download in our members only area.
General Assembly
GA is the main authority of IDEALS and meets every two years at the Congress.
- A quorum consists of 25% of the membership.
- Decisions are reached by a simple majority except for changes of statutes, exclusion of members, removal of board members, termination of the association where a 2/3rd majority is required.
- Members can submit agenda proposals to Board 2 months prior to the GA
- Voting is in person or in writing. Proxy votes are not allowed.
The board consists of an odd number (maximum 15) and with staggered terms. Nominations and self- nominations are submitted to the Board 2 months before GA.
- Board members are elected for 4 years and can be re-elected for an additional 4 years. After 8 years, there is a 2-year gap before returning to the Board.
- Board members are elected at the GA.
- The office of president is automatically transferred to the President-elect at end of term if the president resigns.
- President and President-elect term is for 4 years.
- Secretary and treasurer positions are elected/re-elected at the GA and are exempt from the 8-year maximum term.
- The Board convenes twice a year with a quorum of 50% and majority vote on issues.
- The Board can make decisions on all issues except dissolution of IDEALS.
Statutes, Bylaws, and Policies
Statuten.pdf (4004232 bytes)
Official Statutes of the Society in the Dutch language, as approved by the Belgium government on March 18, 2005
Statutes.pdf (113726 bytes)
English translation of statutes (2005 version)