14th IDEALS Congress 8-10 September, 2022 Leuven, Belgium
FORMAT: The 14th IDEALS Congress can include Oral presentations (20 minutes); Poster Presentations; and Panel Discussions. The final decision on the distribution of abstracts between these formats will rest with the organization committee, however, presenters are requested to state their preferred choice when submitting their abstracts.
LANGUAGE: The Congress will be conducted mainly in English and all PowerPoint slides must be in English.
Leuven is a multilingual community and some breakout sessions can accommodate other languages. Please contact [] if you are unable to provide an abstract in English or wish to present a paper in another language.
These languages are French, Spanish, Italian. We will translate abstracts and Powerpoint presetations into English
ABSTRACTS (max 250 words) preferably in English and sent as a Word document with the following information: Title of Paper, Presenter [LAST NAME, First name]:
Email address of the presenter, Category – ethics, law, both, other (humanities, religion, public health, etc.)
Preferred Presentation format: Poster, Oral Presentation, Panel (Final decisions rest with the organization committee)
Send abstracts or questions about presentations to: .Please include ABSTRACT in the subject of the email.
Early submissions are encouraged. If you require confirmation that your abstract has been accepted before you can attend the Congress or make your travel bookings, please indicate in your submission. Feedback will be sent but the format will be given after all abstracts are reviewed.